I can't see commands

1. Update your Discord app to the latest version.

2. Restart your Discord app.

On a computer, be sure to stop the discord process completely. Clicking on the cross at the top right is not enough if the "Minimise to Tray" option in "Windows Settings" is activated.

3. Allow the bot to create slash commands in your server.

Go to http://invite.coodo.xyz and invite the bot on your server and keep all permissions requested by the bot, otherwise some of its functions will not be available.

4. Make sure you have enabled the "Use Application Commands" permission

  • Go to your server's settings

  • Go to the roles tab settings

  • Choose the @everyone role

  • Scroll down to the Text Channel Permissions section and enable the Use Application Commands permision

Still not working?

Join our support server and we'll help you to fix this issue.

Last updated